It was real interactive course (workshop) with a LOT of exercises. The course not only cover all the topics but to show the difference as well as giving the feeling of Scrum itself. In addition, they receive a one year membership to the Scrum.
* Kontrax
* Rila Solution
* Govermental represenatives
* C3I
* InByte
* pi-consult
* Telco Systems
* Electronic arts romania
and more
Many guests came for the opening media, CEO’s, Directors, R&D managers from leading companies in Bulgaria.
Cooperation between Musala soft to VOLARO lead to10th lecture of IT Leaders Academy that took place on 26th of May in the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
The presentation was about agile approaches in software development “The revolution of Agile and Scrum that conquers the software world – how is it done and what’s in it for me?”.
VOLARO introduce there partner one of the 84 certified SCRUM instructors in the worlds, founder and owner of AgileSparks.
and more