VOLARO present in the telecommunication association ASTEL; New approach for Sale & Service Performance Management

VOLARO was invited by the TELECOMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION in Bulgaria (ASTEL) to attend the yearly Conference.
VOLARO introduce new trend and approach for Service and Sales Performance Management Solution (SPM).   The attended in this event where the members of the association which are more than 50 recognized public telecommunications operators, international and local manufacturers and suppliers of communications equipment, legal and telecom consultants, IT and Internet businesses, the Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski” and the Technical Universities of Sofia as well the New Bulgarian University, the University of National and World Economy, the Higher College of Telecommunications and Post and more.

The event opens by the Minister of transport, Information technology and communication.
Between the other speakers : The commission for communication regulation, VOLARO , Siemens Enterprise COMMUNICATION, Eriksson, Mtel  Others.


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